Menu Bar
Set the Aerodrome by clicking on one of the options, or enter the 4 character ICAO code in the text field.
View Mode
Select the relevant view mode. If operating top-down, select "All". If one aerodrome is not using OzStrips, select the view mode that also encompasses their position.
If ADC, SMC and ACD are online, but the ACD is not using OzStrips, the SMC would select "SMC+ACD".
The SocketIO message log can be viewed here. You will not need to access this as part of regular use.
View OzStrips information, including version number.
Strip Bay
Each strip bay will display relevant strips. See Stripbay for more information.
Control Bar
Displayed at the bottom of the window, the control bar displays aerodrome information and quick commands.
Connection Status
The "CONN STAT" box will change colour depending on connection status to the OzStrips server.
Displays the time in UTC / Zulu time.
Aerodrome Name
Displays the aerodrome name.
Hover over this to see the aerodrome metar.
Inhibit Button
With a strip picked, select this button to remove the strip from your stripboard.
Force Strip Button
Select a track on your Air ASD in vatSys, or with a strip selected in your vatSYS strip list, and press "FOR STP" to place it into your top-left strip bay.
Cross Button
Pick a strip and press this button to add crossing highlights for situational awareness.
PDC Button
Pick a strip and press this button to open the vatSYS PDC Window.