Democracy Bot
What is Democracy Bot? Democracy Bot is a bot that aims to make Discord Servers more democratic and transparent through allowing anyone to submit rules to be voted on.
Support Server | Invite Link |
Support Server Invite Link | Invite Link |
- d!setChannel Set the channel where the bot posts rules or votes. [Admin Use Only] d!setChannel <vote | rules> #channel eg: d!setChannel vote #vote_for_rules_here
- d!setConfig Change a configuration value. [Admin Use Only] d!setConfig
- d!setup Setup and configure the bot for first-time use. [Admin Use Only] d!setup
- d!listConfig List the configuration of the current server. d!listConfig
- d!wipeRules Wipe and delete all the currently active rules. [Admin Use Only] d!wipeRules
- d!about View information about the bot. d!about
- d!debug Debug the bot incase it is not working. d!debug
- d!help View this help document. d!help
- d!ping Pings the bot. d!ping
- d!eval Eval a command. [Owner Use Only] d!eval eg: d!eval console.log(1);
- d!createBill Create a bill for a new vote. d!createBill
- d!listRules List the currently approved rules. d!listRules
- d!delete Delete a rule. [Admin Use Only] d!delete vote_id eg: d!delete 198
- d!veto Approve or deny a rule. [Admin Use Only] d!veto <approve | deny> vote_id eg: d!veto deny 198
- d!forceRule Instantly add a rule. [Admin Use Only] d!forceRule
How to get started with the bot
- Invite the bot
- Set the channels where votes and rules are published:
d!setChannel vote/rules #channel
- Optional: If required, change configuration values with the command:
Vote Statuses:
In the database, the status of a vote is referred to with an integer from 0 to 5. Each number corresponds to a differnet status.
- 0: In progress (A newly created vote)
- 1: Denied (Not approved in the voting process)
- 2: Approved (An approved vote for the creation of a rule)
- 3: Obsolete (An approved vote for the amendment / changing of a rule)
- 4: Deleted (Deleted by an administrator)
- 5: Error-Causing
Selfhosting Democracy Bot is easy. It requires a MySQL database running.
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone
- Install dependencies:
$ npm install
- Copy and Fillout the ENV template below:
nano .env
- Run the bot with
$ node bot.js
Example .env: